A Bankruptcy Does Not Necessarily Mean the End

Filing bankruptcy does not have to be a difficult task. Most believe that getting all of their paperwork together and going to court is a demeaning experience. You are not the first nor, the last to feel that way and it is perfectly normal. People often think that it is too expensive to get a lawyer to file and that they have to fill out the paperwork on their own. This is not the case. An attorney can assist you in choosing which option is best for you; Chapter 13 or Chapter 11.

We see so often on television the struggle between debt consolidation and bankruptcy. There are strong opinions on both sides. Debt consolidations are wonderful for lower debt amounts and if you can logically afford the monthly payments. It is not possible to miss one single payment for the debt consolidation or the entire process is compromised. Usually the payments last for 2 years and on average most do not follow through to the end of their consolidation agreement. Even if the process does not work for you to the end, the negotiations that the debt consolidation has done for you will permanently reduce your debt by 60% on average and stays on your credit report for 2 years after the process is done.

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Bankruptcy allows for you to gather all bills and put them in to a petition to wipe the slate clean. With the economy the way it is and people struggling to find a job, many are finding this is the only option. It is true that when you file bankruptcy, your credit score goes to an all time low. Naysayers of the bankruptcy option state that it ruins your credit forever. The only thing that ruins your credit forever is doing nothing about your debt! Once you file for bankruptcy the collection calls stop, and you can begin building up your score within six months. If you have too many assets when declaring bankruptcy, the court will want you to give up some of them as payment to the creditors. For instance, if you have a boat, extra car, extensive art work, etc.

Economists often state that filing bankruptcy is a bad idea and should be avoided at all costs. If the worst case scenario can be avoided in any aspect of life, do it. Bankruptcy is not an easy way out but may be the only way out for some families. Whether you choose to do debt consolidation or make the choice to go forward with filing bankruptcy, attorneys are available to assist you.

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